Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"You'd probably pee in my coffee"

It's 7 o'clock, Mr. Scrooge. Time to leave. May I have my wages sir?

Crap. How much do yo get?

15 shillings a week, sir.

Hell. I don't know what these coins are. Here -- just take what you usually get. ... Will there be more money to count tomorrow?

I imagine so, sir.

Then be here bright and early to start counting.

But tomorrow is Christmas Mr. Scrooge.

So, what? You're telling me you're just going to blow off work?

Christmas comes but once a year, sir.

So you want the whole day off?

If quite convenient, sir.

It's not convenient and it's not fair. Actually, it sucks. If I was to dock your pay, you'd probably pee in my coffee.

Perhaps, sir. It is but once a year.

A poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every twenty-fifth of December!" But I suppose you must have the whole day. Be here all the earlier next morning. Shit, I'll be out of this dump and back to Parallel Allentown by then anyway.

Thank you, Mr. Scrooge. Merry Christmas, sir. ... Like I haven't peed in his coffee a hundred times already.

This guy makes 15 shillings a week -- and I'm pretty sure that ain't much -- and he can't wait for Christmas. Moron. I can't wait to get out of this stinkin' hole. ... Now who's at the door?

A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you! 'Tis I, your nephew, Fred.

Bah! Humbug! ... Whoa. I said it again.

Christmas a humbug, uncle! You don't mean that, I am sure.

I do. All of this nonsense for 700 lousy bucks.

Don't be cross, uncle! Come and dine with my wife and me tomorrow!

I'll dine with the Devil first! ... Why did you marry that stone-age bimbo anyway? ... Oh, you know what ... I don't actually care. Buzz off. You're not gonna be in this version. Go play with the mouse. ... I'm off to Bedlam.


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